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The Lakeside 家庭医学住院医师 is a three-year, acgme认证的项目,每年有5个住院医师职位开放给对抗疗法或整骨疗法医生.

有一个共同的门诊家庭医学办公室, 湖畔医疗中心是家庭医学住院和门诊的主要临床培训基地. The rural, 安全网医院和大容量门诊办公室在无对抗的环境中提供强大的培训, and, 通过与诺瓦东南大学和棕榈滩卫生局等组织合作, 住院实习期提供了接触更广泛的医疗保健环境的机会和经验.


  • Excellent inpatient training from an unopposed, high-volume residency service
  • 优秀的门诊培训在忙碌中进行, well-resourced office with embedded dental and behavioral health services
  • 培训经验根植于棕榈滩县乡村贫民区社区并受其影响
  • Embedded experience within the innovative 澳门美梅高官方网站, 为棕榈滩县的边缘居民提供了30多年的综合安全网服务
  • Dedicated faculty and staff committed to supporting resident learning and wellness, with:
    • Weekly protected didactics, with virtual support to limit unnecessary travel
    • Shared on-call coverage to limit monthly call requirements for residents

Lakeside’s three-year Family Medicine program centers on an unopposed training environment. 居民在农村医院和毗邻的联邦合格保健中心(FQHC)照顾所有年龄的病人。. 几个轮转是在贫民区外完成的, though frequently still within the Health Care District’s network of FQHCs. 课程分为为期一个月的轮岗, but residents’ learning also grows from continuity training experiences, 无论这些是明确设计的还是与同一人群一起工作三年的偶然事件. The following represents the explicit year-by-year curriculum.



Residents in their intern year are heavily engaged with hospital-based care for their patients. 这既是一个磨练他们急症护理技能的地方,也是一个让住院医生与许多病人建立关系的地方. A month of the first year is explicitly dedicated to outpatient family medicine, 但即使是最紧张的轮岗也包括每周至少半天在贝尔格莱德办公室提供持续的护理.

Rotation Duration
家庭医学住院医师 Service (FMRS - FM Inpatient) 4 Months
FM执业管理(连续性诊所) 1 Month
Emergency Services 1 Month
Pediatric Inpatient 1 Month
儿科门诊 1 Month
Geriatrics 1 Month
妇女健康中心(产科门诊) 2 Months
Elective 1 Month



Rotation Duration
家庭医学住院医师 Service (FMRS - FM Inpatient) 2 Months
FM执业管理(连续性诊所) 1 Month
儿科门诊 1 Month
妇女健康中心(产科门诊) 1 Month
Newborn 1 Month
MSK 1 Month
Labor and Delivery 1 Month
Pain Management 1 Month
Elective 2 Months


While third-year residents maintain a presence in the hospital, 他们最后一年的培训重点是提高他们的门诊技能,使他们毕业后为繁忙的医疗服务做好准备, efficient practice.

Rotation Duration
家庭医学住院医师 Service (FMRS - FM Inpatient) 2 Months
FM执业管理(连续性诊所) 3 Months
ICU 1 Month
Specialty 1 Month
Psychiatry 1 Month
Cardiology 1 Month
Elective 3 Months


纵向经验包括住院医师的综合连续性门诊和行为健康经验,以及社区医学和倡导的发展纵向经验, 实践管理和人口健康, 和卫生系统的领导和质量改进.

Continuity Clinic During each month of their three years, residents see their own patients in the C. L. 贝勒格莱德的布朗贝克初级保健诊所. The number of sessions varies depending on the rotation.
综合行为健康 The care we provide in Federally-Qualified Health Centers involves integrated Behavioral Health. Residents manage their patients’ needs directly and in collaboration with our BH team.
社区及宣传 Community Medicine training extends beyond a single month rotation, 与纵向经验,挖掘贫民区的领导和社区服务的悠久历史.
实践与人口管理 住院医生在办公室里建立自己的病人小组,并希望与办公室团队合作,随着时间的推移改善这些病人的治疗效果.
卫生系统领导和质量 居民们有特别的机会与湖边医疗中心和卫生保健区的领导接触,并被鼓励在当地和系统层面解决他们看到的问题.


In addition to each of the discrete longitudinal curricula, there are many topics and educational experiences which, 虽然对居民很有价值, may not fit easily into a particular rotation or content area. 为住院医生组织和跟踪这些主题和经验的支持材料,使他们能够在轮换期间继续研究这些主题和经验.


All residents enjoy protected didactic time every Wednesday afternoon from 1 PM to 5 PM. While didactics at Lakeside do include traditional lectures, a substantial portion of each month’s material is covered in hands-on and interactive sessions, 包括模拟和程序研讨会以及健康会议,旨在让居民从医疗实践和学习的繁重工作中休息一下.

所涵盖的材料包括家庭医学的核心课程元素以及对居民感兴趣的主题, and, while learning is almost always improved by in-person participation, 那些在远离校园的地方工作的居民可以在需要的时候虚拟参与.

Core Topics 家庭医学教学包括讲座, workshops and simulations from the full breadth of the specialty, 回顾心脏病学的概念, Hematology, Pulmonology, Pediatrics, Obstetrics, 整形外科和很多其他的.
模拟及工作坊 Kinesthetic engagement almost always improves learning, so Didactic programming aims to include a minimum of 3 hours of hands-on work each month, 通常侧重于模拟和程序研讨会.
循证医学 The program includes periodic journal clubs as well as short, targeted discussions of QI tools and essential research topics. Our residents also present periodically on their projects, 在我们博士后研究员的帮助下.
数据审查会议 Short EKG, 放射科和其他测试结果回顾课程强调住院医生和教师收到的具有启发性的去识别测试结果,这些结果展示了关键概念(要么是关于它们揭示的条件,要么是关于测试本身)。.
肌肉骨骼和运动医学 作为众多核心话题之一,肌肉骨骼问题无处不在,值得特别澳门美梅高官方网站. 教学包括一系列讲座,涵盖所有主要疾病的诊断和管理,以及治疗中有用的程序技能.
整骨疗法的医学 有AOA的认证, Lakeside is committed to maintaining our engagement with Osteopathic training and care. OMM sessions throughout the year review key concepts and hands-on skills.

On Call Schedule

住院医生在医院的非工作时间只能接受有限的探视, 为医院服务配备两名住院医生,周四晚上和周六轮班12小时,周日轮班24小时. These calls are distributed evenly between residents during their time in residency, with first-year residents taking an average of three calls per month, 第二年住院医生平均每月接两个电话第三年住院医生平均每月接一个电话, 允许更多地澳门美梅高官方网站门诊护理. 住所没有夜花车.

第三年住院医师还会选择每年的三个星期,为所有C. L. Brumback初级保健诊所, 由澳门美梅高官方网站经营的联邦合格保健中心网络.

Residents may exchange call days with each other if desired, 但在任何一个月内,平均每周工作时间不得超过80小时,每周休息时间不得少于一天.

Residency Benefits


  • 第一年:61,140美元
  • 第2年:$63,870
  • 第3年:66,599美元


All meals are provided while in the hospital, seven days a week. 居民可以选择安静, private Doctor's Dining room or a traditional cafeteria and general dining environment.


Life, 健康和职业责任保险是根据所有其他保健区雇员的福利提供的.


Residents are given 20 PTO days and 5 Administrative Days per Academic Year.


Residents receive a $3000 stipend annually to cover approved Educational Books, Conferences, and Boards. 这笔津贴中的700美元将用于在3年住院期间购买一次医疗PDA.


We appreciate your interest in the 家庭医学住院医师 Program. We offer 5 家庭医学住院医师 positions each year. 我们的项目是NRMP匹配的参与者,并通过电子居留申请服务(ERAS)接受申请。. 我们不提供赛前位置.

Below are the requirements for the application/admission process:

  • ERAS Application
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Personal statement
  • 三封推荐信(最好是初级保健医生的推荐信,但其他推荐信也会被审查)
  • 医学院成绩单
  • Medical school performance evaluation (MSPE) or Dean's letter
  • USMLE或complex成绩单复印件
  • Current ECFMG status report (for international medical graduates only)
  • Photograph

Note: Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate residents with visas.

For more information, please call the GME Office (561) 996-6571 Ext. 348499

Interview Process

只有获得邀请才能接受采访. All Candidates will interview with the Designated Institutional Official, Family Medicine Program Director and at least two (2) Residents.


ERAS将于9月开放. It is recommended to apply by November 1, but no later than December 1. Interviews take place from November through early January. No application status updates will be given over the phone. Only those applicants chosen for an interview will be contacted.

For information on ERAS, you may access their website at http://aamc.org/students/medstudents/eras/. 目前的医科学生也可以在他们的医学院院长办公室获得更多的信息.

与指定院校官员会面 & Program Director

Jennifer dorc - medard, DO, the Designated Institutional Official and Program Director, is a Board-Certified Family Medicine physician at Lakeside Medical Center. 她在纽约市的Touro骨科医学院获得了骨科医学博士学位, NY. She completed her residency in Family Medicine at Broward Health Medical Center.


欲了解更多信息,请联系Dr. Jennifer dorc - medard:
M: 561-966-6571 ext. 348155
E: jmedard@wxline.net

Jennifer dorc - medard, DO


Nergess Taheri, DO, the 家庭医学住院医师 项目助理总监, 是C.L. 贝勒格莱德的布朗贝克初级保健诊所. She is a DO from Nova Southeastern University College of 整骨疗法的医学 in Davie, FL.

M:561-996-6571 x348014
E: ntaheri@wxline.net
Nergess Taheri, DO

GME Staff

男:561-966-6571分机. 348499
E: misjuste@wxline.net
Stephanie Zamora
Stephanie Zamora
男:561-966-6571分机. 348220
E: szamora@wxline.net

Other Faculty

Bryan Dawkins, MD
Bryan Dawkins, MD
Ishan Gunawardene, MD
Ishan Gunawardene, MD
Daniel Perez, MD
Daniel Perez, MD
David Bohorquez, DO
David Bohorquez, DO
Emergency Medicine
Luis M. Perezalonso, MD, FACEP
Luis M. Perezalonso, MD, FACEP
Emergency Medicine
Duclos Dessalines, MD
Duclos Dessalines, MD
Israel Henriquez, DO
Israel Henriquez, DO
Ana Ferwerda, MD
Ana Ferwerda, MD
Eliezer Hernandez, MD
Eliezer Hernandez, MD
David Lepoff, DO
David Lepoff, DO
Danny Abouekde, DO
Danny Abouekde, DO
Steven Licata, DO
Steven Licata, DO
Dana Desser, DO
Dana Desser, DO
The Center for Bone and Joint Surgery of the Palm Beaches
Sue Kulatunga, MD
Sue Kulatunga, MD
Manoj Bhattarai医学博士
Manoj Bhattarai医学博士
Joyce Prophete, MD
Joyce Prophete, MD
Darnel Dabu, MD
Darnel Dabu, MD
Family Medicine

Class of 2024

Milhenka Auguste, MD
Milhenka Auguste, MD
Katherine Wang, DO
Katherine Wang, DO
Kevin Nyabera, MD
Kevin Nyabera, MD

Class of 2025

Sherene Falconer, MD
Ryan Katwaroo, MD
Sabari Nair, DO
Sagar Saoji, MD
Deena Werde, MD

Class of 2026

Anastasia Albu, MD
Anastasia Albu, MD
Mahmoud Issa, MD
Mahmoud Issa, MD
Michael Bereisha,医学博士
Michael Bereisha,医学博士
Nyla Naeem, DO
Nyla Naeem, DO


Class of 2023

  • Anthony Hernandez,医学博士
  • 吉赛尔·法尔科尼,医学博士
  • Heden Presendieu, MD
  • zingha Saunders, DO
  • Jennifer Hua, DO

Class of 2022

  • Janaki Saoji, MD
  • Benjamin Kosubevsky, DO
  • 我是威廉·德雷珀,警长
  • 杰西·格里布,长官

Class of 2021

  • JD Adame, DO
  • Quanecia Beasley, DO
  • 索尼娅·杜索,DO
  • 克里斯塔尔·兰德罗斯,指挥官
  • Kerlan St Prix, DO - Chief

Class of 2020

  • Danny Abouekde, DO
  • Sam Espinal, DO
  • David Lepoff, DO
  • 特里·帕森斯,警长
  • 内吉斯·塔赫里,指挥官

Class of 2019

  • 罗伊·巴斯基,警长
  • Kimala Harris, DO
  • Ron Mathew, DO

Class of 2018

  • Bralin Bean, DO
  • 罗伯特·麦克雷,DO
  • Steven Perez, DO
  • Tyler Provost, DO
  • Elena Herschdorfer-Rodriguez, DO

Class of 2017

  • 萨曼莎·乔杜里,首席执行官
  • Elisa Diaz, DO
  • 我是贾斯汀·摩根,长官

Class of 2016

  • 肖恩·纳扎尔,警长
  • 多诺法·尼尔森,我是指挥官
  • Sholem Palevsky, DO
  • Monique Samuel, DO

Class of 2015

  • 海蒂·麦克冯·丹顿,警长
  • Isaac Vargas, DO
  • Nathan Kaller, DO
  • Sabine Elisee, DO

Class of 2014

  • Omar Mubaidin, DO
  • 我是约瑟芬·皮尔森
  • Na Ly Vang, DO
  • Zeporah Sykes, DO
  • Tracy Romanello, DO

Class of 2013

  • Tricia Nielson, DO
  • Tara Freyman, DO
  • Nader Abdallah, DO
