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Launch the YourCareCommunity Website

The YourCareCommunity 网站使获取健康信息变得容易. It is safe, secure, and convenient. With YourCareCommunity在美国,有了安全的互联网,你可以随时查看自己的信息.


首先,填写您的个人信息进行注册. Next, an email link will be sent to you. You must click on the link in the email. Then, you will be directed to the Sign in page. 最后,你会被要求提供你的年龄、种族和其他信息. 记得设置密码并选择安全问题.

Signing in:

  1. Go to the website address.
  2. Type your User Name, (your e-mail address.)
  3. Type your Password. (Passwords are case-sensitive.)
  4. Click Submit. The Home page (shown below) will pop up.

If you forget your password:

  1. Click Forgot Password.
  2. Type your User Name, which is your e-mail address.
  3. Click Get New Password. A new page will pop up. 它会询问您的电子邮件并发送一个新的链接.

登录后,将弹出主页(如下所示). Use the color tiles to move around the Patient Dashboard. 如果您愿意,您也可以使用页面顶部的选项卡.

Screenshot of the Patient Dashboard page

Personal Health Records:

Find out about your health. You can view test results, the medications your doctor gave you, vital signs, diagnoses, what to d after you leave the hospital, and more.


  • 在需要时查看和更改您的信息. 你可以更新你的婚姻状况、姓名、地址、电话号码等等.
  • 您可以更改您的YourCareCommunity密码.
  • 您可以在查看通知和更新时进行更改.
  • 你可以增加或改变在健康问题上代表你的人.


  • 下载和上传医学论文,保险和其他重要文件.
  • Find documents sent by your care providers.




To open a page:

There are 2 ways to open a page:

  • Click a tab.
  • Click the title of a tile from the Home page. (The Personal Health Records (PHR) page is shown below.)

To open another section of a page:


  • 从主页点击一个磁贴内的链接.
  • From an open page, click More and then click the section you want to see. (The Medications section of the PHR page is shown on the next page.)

To view new PHR information:

一旦你点击一个页面或打开一个页面的一部分, 你可以很容易地看到添加的新信息:

  • PHR stands for "Personal Health Dashboard.在PHR仪表板上,蓝色瓦片用于新的(未查看的)更新. 有一个派系显示更新总数. The total number is on the bottom. The number of new updates is on the top. 例如,2/4过敏意味着在4个过敏症中,2个是新的.
  • From a section of a page, click More. 具有新信息的项目将显示在括号中.



你可以决定是否其他人可以查看你的健康记录. 这个人被称为“健康代表”.“你可以让代理访问你的私人健康信息.

当您添加代表时,您将收到一封电子邮件. 健康代表也会收到一封电子邮件. 代表必须回复电子邮件. They can confirm (“verify”) they accept. 如果他们不接受,他们将无法访问您的健康信息.


To access the Representatives section:

  1. From the Patient Dashboard, click Profile.
  2. Click More.
  3. Click Representatives.

The Representatives 部分将显示,允许您添加或管理代表.

To manage representatives:

  1. 单击要管理的代表的名称.
  2. Make appropriate changes.
  3. Click Edit Representative.

To add a representative:

  1. Click Add Representative.
  2. Complete the following fields. 必填字段以红色星号(*)标示:
    • First Name*
    • Last Name*
    • Middle Name
    • Birthday*
    • Sex
    • Primary Phone Number*
    • Secondary Phone Number
    • User Name*
    • E-mail*
    • Address
  3. The Pin code field is created automatically. 写下你的个人识别码,并把它口头交给你的健康代表. 代表可以使用该代码登录并访问您的健康信息.
  4. Select the Allow Full Access check box.

NOTE: 全面访问将使代表能够看到本网站所载的所有医疗和生命信息.

Click Add Representative.



To manage notifications:

  1. From the Patient Dashboard, click Profile.
  2. Click More.
  3. Click Update Account.
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page.
  5. 清除不想接收通知的复选框. 注意:如果您不选中任何框,您将自动收到所有通知.
  6. Click Save Changes.

The Messages panel on the Patient Dashboard lets you see your inbox and sent items. It also lets you create new messages.

NOTE: 在“消息”面板上可以看到新消息或未读消息的数量. 图中“(4 new)”表示4条未读消息.

您可以查看传入和传出的消息. 您可以回复、转发或删除消息. You can also create new outgoing messages.

To view incoming message:

  1. From the Patient Dashboard, do one of the following:

    Click Messages.

    Click Inbox.

    The Inbox 页面将显示并列出所有传入的消息.

    NOTE: 未读消息用粗体文本表示.

  2. For the message you want to view, click Show Details beside the message.

To view your outgoing messages:

  1. From the Patient Dashboard, click Sent Items.

    The Sent Items lists all outgoing messages.

  2. For the message you want to view, click Show Details beside the message.

    The contents of the message will display.

To create a new message:

Screenshots of the Create a Message Page. The Add Recipients Page. and the Add Attachments page
  1. From the Messages panel of the Patient Dashboard or the Inbox or Sent Items pages, click Create Message.

    screenshot of the create message button

    The Create Messages page will display.

  2. Fill in the fields. 必填字段以红色星号(*)标示:

    * -为一个或多个收件人添加电子邮件地址.

    To add recipients:

  3. Click Add Recipient.

    The Add Recipients page will display.

  4. 按姓名或电子邮件地址搜索收件人.
  5. From the search results click TO for each intended recipient.
  6. Click Done adding recipients.

    The Create Message page will show past recipients in the To field.

    Cc -添加一个或多个副本收件人电子邮件地址. 中添加收件人的方法相同 To field.

    主题* -关于邮件内容的几句话.

    Message* – write your full message.

    1. (可选)在邮件中添加附件:
    2. Click Add Attachment.

      The Add Attachments page will display.

    3. 选择要添加的附件左侧的复选框.
    4. Click Add Attachment.

      The Create Message 页面将重新显示所选附件或添加到邮件中的附件.

      注意:要从未发送的邮件中删除附件,请单击 X beside the attachment under the Attached Files section of the Create Message page.

      screenshot of continuity of care button

    5. Click Send.

      消息将传递给收件人和收件人 Sent Items page will display.

Screenshot pointing to the Delete option

To reply to or forward a message:

  1. From the Inbox 页,选择要回复或转发的复选框.
  2. Click Reply or Forward.

    The Create Message page will display.

  3. Do one of the following:

    If you are replying to the message:

    1. Add your reply to the Message section of the page.
    2. Click Send.

If you are forwarding the message:

  1. Add a recipient to the To section of the page.
  2. Click Send.

消息将传递给收件人和收件人 Sent Items page will display.

NOTE: 有关向邮件添加收件人或附件的说明,请参见 To create a new message: on page 8.

To delete a message:

  1. From the Inbox or Sent Items 页,选中要删除的邮件左侧的复选框.
  2. NOTE: More than one message can be selected.

  3. Click Delete.


  4. Click Yes.

    The message will be deleted and the Inbox or Sent Items page will redisplay.

Gray box with a blue question mark. 问号右边的文字显示“帮助”

帮助系统提供了使用该网站的更多信息. To open, click Help from the toolbar at the top.

The Help 页面显示有关您所在页面的信息. 要查找其他帮助主题,请在 Search box and then click the Search icon. Icon of a magnifying glass

More questions? Contact your provider:

Operating hours are from 8 AM - 5 PM EST.

