
达西J. 戴维斯, CEO of the Health Care District of Palm Beach County, Honored as One of Florida’s 前 Women-Led Businesses

达西J. 戴维斯 showing commonhealth award

Commonwealth Institute Florida (TCI-FL), a network of successful business and professional women driving our community came together on 6月 14th to honor Florida’s 前 100 Women-Led Businesses at its 17th 年度午餐. 事件, which took place at the Hyatt Regency Miami, celebrated the achievements of women who are leading the charge to the top of their industries in companies across the state. 达西J. 戴维斯, CEO of the Health Care District of Palm Beach County, was among the honorees. Ranked eleventh on the list of 100, Ms. 戴维斯 is among the 15 percent of healthcare CEO’s nationwide who are women.



“It’s a tremendous honor to be recognized for this state-wide award,” said Ms. 戴维斯, who has led the unique safety net health care system for the past six years.  “I’m proud to empower women and promote gender equity and diversity within our 1,300名成员的工作场所. In fact, diversity as an organization and among those we serve is one of our biggest strengths.”

Each honoree’s “words to live by” were displayed during the event including Ms. 戴维斯’ quote: “Honesty, collaboration and following through on your commitments lead to success.”


Although TCI-FL has been hosting the Florida-based event for 17 years, this is the first time the non-profit organization really made a statewide effort to compile a list that represents businesses throughout all of Florida. It was also the first year that factors like innovation, customer service and employee programs were added to revenue to come up with the list and rankings.


“The 组织 on this year’s diverse list are driving innovation across Florida and beyond with breakthroughs in product development, education and apprenticeship and new approaches in the delivery of clinical care and therapeutics. We are honored to recognize these 100 companies and the remarkable women who lead them, Jacqui Kiviat说, 执行董事, TCI-FL.


For more information, contact Naz De La Rosa at ndelarosa@commonwealthinstitute.org, (305) 968-6700, or visit http://commonwealthinstitute.org.

executive group women darcy commonhealth award darcy commonhealth award women led business


About the Health Care District

The Health Care District of Palm Beach County provides primary medical care and dental services for adults and children at the C. L. Brumback 初级保健诊所, a coordinated and lifesaving 创伤系统 that includes two FAA-certified 创伤鹰 air ambulances, registered nurses in nearly 170 public schools, short and long-term skilled nursing at the 爱德华J. Healey 康复中心ilitation and Nursing Center in Riviera Beach, and acute care at its teaching hospital, 湖畔医疗中心, which is accredited by The Joint Commission and serves the rural Glades’ communities. 欲知详情,请浏览 hawkshub.wxline.net.


关于C. L. Brumback 初级保健诊所

This project is supported by the Health 资源 and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number H80CS25684 for Health Center Cluster in the award amount of $7,278,563.  Of the total project, 83% is financed with nongovernmental sources. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, 卫生与公众服务部或美国.S. 政府. C. L. Brumback 初级保健诊所 were granted Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) deeming status effective 1月 1, 2022.


About Commonwealth Institute (TCI)

Commonwealth Institute (TCI) is a non-profit organization that works with women CEOs, 企业高管, 企业家, 个体户, and the rising generation of women leaders to help them build successful businesses, 组织, and careers in Florida and Massachusetts. In short, TCI helps women in business achieve greater success! 25年来, Commonwealth Institute has provided insights, mentoring and inspiration to help women succeed on personal and professional levels, while propelling their 组织 forward.